Frequently Asked Questions

How many students attend St George's?

Our school is small by comparison with most Perth high schools - with just over 500 students across Year 7 to 12. 

Do students have to be Anglican to attend?

St George’s has an open enrolment policy. We celebrate our Anglican faith but are equally supportive, inclusive and welcoming of students of all faiths or no faith. All students participate in one Beliefs and Values class per week, which promotes spiritual and personal growth through an understanding of ethics and a knowledge of other faiths. We teach an open religious curriculum.

Where do students play sport?

Students play a range of sports both in and out of school. We have an indoor fitness centre and rooftop basketball court but the majority of sport and Physical Education takes place at the exceptional state-of-the-art facilities around us. These venues include University of WA pools and athletic fields, Kings Park tennis courts, Wellington Square sporting fields, Beyond Skate, Lords or Loftus Recreation Centres and Revolution Sports - to name a few.

Students from Years 7 to 10 participate in Physical Education as part of the curriculum, designed around timetabled double-periods to allow for travel and changing into sport uniforms. Where possible, we use free city buses, and trains. We also walk to various grassed venues such as Langley Park and Supreme Court Gardens and catch the CAT Bus to Wellington Square.

Students in Year 9 and 10 can elect to study the Outdoor Education course which includes stand-up paddle boarding on the Swan River, orienteering, indoor rock climbing, mountain biking and outdoor camp cooking. Students in Years 11 and 12 can elect to study Physical Education as an ATAR or APeX subject.

As a member of the Associated and Catholic Colleges, students from Years 7 to 12 represent the school in competitions such as ACC Athletics, Cross Country and swimming carnivals.

What scholarships do you offer?

We offer Academic, General Excellence, Music and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Scholarships.

When is your annual Open Day?

Held in Term Three each year, Open Day is a unique opportunity to be shown around the campus by our Year 11 students and to meet senior staff - such as the Head of Curriculum for all your academic queries, Head of Pastoral for any well-being information, Head of Operations for an insight into the school culture and calendar of events and our Principal who leads the direction of the school in all these areas.

Where do students have lunch and recess?

During break times our students naturally disperse themselves throughout the building, including on the rooftop deck where eating is allowed. The school has a spacious café on Level Four and breakout spaces on Levels Three, Two, One or Basement.

As part of our co-curricular program known as Park Play, students in Year 7 to 10 have the option to leave the campus at lunchtimes accompanied by a teacher Monday to Thursday to go to the nearest park (Central Park, on the corner of Hay and William Streets) or open space such as Elizabeth Quay. 

Year 11 and 12 students have "Senior Status” and - provided their families have signed the consent form for the year - they are able to leave the campus to go out into the city during recess and lunch breaks.

Are students allowed to bring in takeaway food?

No, students may choose to purchase items at surrounding food outlets before school (or at recess and lunch if they are in Year 11 or 12) but they must consume takeaway food outside of campus, or in the ground floor reception area. Students bring in lunch from home and there is a spacious café on Level Four.

What is the 'Senior Status Agreement'?

Students and their guardians sign a Senior Status Agreement with the school at the start of both Year 11 and 12. The agreement recognises and rewards consistent demonstration of responsibility by senior students with respect to maturity, behaviour, appearance, attitude towards other students, staff and members of the public. The purpose is to assist students in their transition from adolescence to adulthood, by increasing their self-reliance and self respect through good personal decision-making, as well as allowing them to be role models and ambassadors of the school within the City of Perth. Senior Status privileges may therefore be withdrawn from any student who fails to meet the expectations of the Senior Status Agreement, such as punctuality. 

Do students log in and out of the building?

Attendance rolls are taken at the start of every lesson, so whereabouts is known at all times during school hours.

Staff, visitors and the senior students who leave the campus during recess and lunchtimes use a digital tag-in-and-out system linked to their Transperth Smartrider so we are aware of who is in the building and who is out of the building at any given time.

Can anyone walk into the school?

Our unique school has just one entry/exit door for day to day use. This not only allows our Student Services staff to greet and farewell our students each day, it also allows us to monitor closely anyone who enters the school.

Our foyer doors are locked once our students arrive for the day, so all visitors need to have our reception staff open the door for them - they cannot wander in unwelcomed.

​Do students encounter issues in the city?

Rarely. During the beginning of their time here, students will hear from the WA Police around how to navigate their daily city surroundings. They will learn strategies like safety in numbers, how to identify danger & access help.

During the daytime hours our students are in the city & on public transport they are surrounded by a large number of professional adults who work in the city, as well as many fellow students from other close by schools, which means they would be unlikely to find themselves in a situation where there wasn’t witnesses & help close by. Their striking red uniforms makes them very quick & easy to identify in the hustle & bustle of the city. 

Where do most St George’s students come from?

Everywhere! Our current student body is made up of students who have joined us from 130 schools - and that doesn’t include the small percentage of students that came from interstate or overseas.

A Year 7 student is likely to be joined in their cohort with students from around 40-50 different primary schools, so it is a fresh start for everyone.

We hold transition days when they are finishing Year 6 to meet one another for the first time. 

​ Does every student require their own laptop?

We are a BYOD device school, so we have worked closely with CompNow to build specially priced bundles appropriate for children's learning and relevant IT needs. The recommended bundles include the device required to meet your child's academic learning needs along with a protective case or cover.

Our IT department highly recommends purchasing the optional insurance with any Microsoft Surface and Apple MacBook device.

This ensures students are covered with the tools they need for secondary school at St George’s Anglican Grammar School. Please find more information about choosing a device here and information about our CompNow partnership here

Do you have after school programs?

St George’s Anglican Grammar School offers a diverse Co-Curricular Program to complement our academic curriculum. We believe that these activities enhance the sense of community at the school and are important in the overall holistic development of our students.

All academic staff members are asked to run an activity that they are passionate about to create a diverse range of musical, sporting, academic and recreational activities. Therefore, the offerings will vary from term to term and each student will have the opportunity to select their activities prior to the commencement of the next term.

The majority of these activities run after-school from 3:30 to 4:30pm, although some operate before school or at lunch time.

The Laurence Library is open for students after school until 4:30pm on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.