Signature Programs
As well as core subjects, electives and co-curricular activities, St George's offers a number of signature programs.
These include Nobel (STEM), Inspired Minds (Year 7-9), Advanced Music Program (Amp), Gifted and Talented and Alternative Pathways and Experiences (APEx).
Explore each of these programs on the panel, seen left.
“Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think.”
— Albert Einstein
To allow for a vast array of learning opportunities, the school operates on a 10-day timetable cycle with six 55-minute periods each day, apart from Friday's where we have a shorter five period day.
With one period for Chapel and one for PAWS each week, we therefore have five academic periods Monday, Thursday and Friday.
Tuesday and Wednesday have six academic periods.
Physical Education classes are always held over two periods to allow for travel.