Service Learning

Grace. Wisdom. Service. The latter part of our motto illustrates the importance our school places on being involved in the community around us.

Through Service Learning, St George’s students engage with the Perth community, helping organisations with practical help through donations and fund-raising. Our student Anglicare Ambassadors raise awareness within the school about issues that exist around us.  

Examples of Service Learning at St George's include fundraising for organisations such as Headspace and Anglicare WA's Mobile Youth Resource Centre (the Street Connect Outreach Bus) and creating hygiene packs for distribution to marginalised people in society.

Anglicare Ambassador Isla says: "To me, being an Anglicare Ambassador means passing on knowledge and raising awareness about issues that impact on our society at the current time and helping those who are not as fortunate as us for whatever reason. 

We are able to assist people whether that be by doing small deeds or creating and helping with big fundraisers to make their lives lighter, even just a little bit. It means that I am able to contribute to a big effort that works towards making life better for everyone. Herein lies the joy of being an Anglicare Ambassador.'' 

"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others''
— Mahatma Gandhi