The Duke of Edinburgh Award

The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award at St George's offers young people an opportunity to expand upon their experiences from the Outdoor Education Program, which currently operates at Years 9, 10, 11 and 12. A wide variety of activities are pursued depending upon individual choices. The Award has three levels, Bronze; Silver; and Gold, and for each separate award, participants fulfil the requirements of the four sections.
As the minimum age for entry to the Award is fourteen years, Year 9 is considered an appropriate time to offer entry. Students may choose to enter the Award at a later stage in their schooling; however, experience shows that for the participants’ benefit, early entry is advantageous.
There are four main sections of the Award. Learn a skill, improve physical well being, volunteer in the community and experience a team adventure in a new environment.
The Award is voluntary and students must make a commitment to give their best efforts. The Duke of Edinburgh Award is a great opportunity for young people to extend and challenge themselves through participation in new or existing interesting activities. The Award is well recognised in the wider community.
Through this challenging journey of self discovery, participants:
- Are equipped and empowered to achieve their personal best
- Learn to take responsibility for their goals and choices
- Become connected to and actively engaged within their immediate community
- Make a real difference to society through their positive contributions and involvement
- Learn to persevere and overcome barriers to success
- Learn important life skills
- Increase their career opportunities.